Richard Walters

I am passionate about the roots of illness in our emotional and psychological patterning, and have followed this area of work for the last 33 years.
I studied animal behavior and neurobiology as part of my Zoology degree at London University, and after teaching abroad went on to complete a three year course in Five Element Acupuncture in 1990. This form of acupuncture looks to the wounds of the Spirit and mind as a route to healing the Body, Mind and Spirit. During my Acupuncture training I was introduced to Zero Balancing, a remarkable bone energy bodywork, and I qulaified as a Zero Balancer in 1992.
The combination of Acupuncture and Zero Balancing has acted as the mainstay of my practice for the last 33 years.
From 1990 to 1993 I studied Psycho-expansion, a form of guided meditation that draws on the Transpersonal Psychology and Psychosynthesis traditions. I have taught various forms meditation ever since.
In 1996 I qualified as a Zero Balancing Teacher and have taught regular classes since then in Core ZB, Advanced ZB and the ZB Masterclasses.
I completed an initial one year professional training in Multigenerational Psychotraumatology and the Constellations of Intention in 2015 with Vivian Broughton. Having attended regular study groups in Bristol, London and online, and frequently attending workshops with Franz Rupert and Vivian Broughton, to continue my studies, in 2018 I completed a year long Advanced Practitioner Training in Identity Orientated Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT). Since then I attend a regular practitioner supervision group with Vivian and and international peer support group .
In my practice, I love working with the psychological patterns that cause us to repeat the same unhelpful behavior that has led to our illnesses. Over the last few years I have become more and more interested in psychological trauma and it's effect on our lives.
In my spare time I enjoy teaching moorland skills and navigation to the East Devon Explorer Scouts Ten Tors teams, and I have also tought Advance Motorcycling for the local RoSPA Motorcycle group.
I am married to Karin, a Natural Childbirth teacher and Doula, and we have two adult children.